Archive for July 2013

TITLE: Voice commanded calculator
first u need to know the difference between voice recognition & speech recognition
voice recognition:
speech recognition:
problems for using speech recognition:-
solution for certain limit: we can use WIFI shield or Zigbee or Bluetooth (any other related to this),even though it's not pc dependent but we can achieve wireless using the above modules for certain extents.
(it make project little expensive)
"" due the above problems i decided to use the voice recognition which is completely wireless and also PC independent ""
voice recognition:
- voice recognition is like a figure print
- it means it recognize only voice of particular person,
- for suppose the key word is "legendtronics",it will access only for a particular person whose voice is pre-stored
- this kind of recognition will be useful for a projects like door lock or any privacy ,secure related projects
speech recognition:
- it wants only the key word no necessarily the same person whose voice is pre-stored in the module. ,
- for suppose if the key word like"legendtronics" it will accepts the word irrespective of persons(not much accurately)
- voice recognition can be achieved using simple shield designed for arduino like Easy VR shield
- speech recognition can be achieved using the software like Matlab ,Bitvoicer......etc.
problems for using speech recognition:-
- it is PC dependent.
- wired
solution for certain limit: we can use WIFI shield or Zigbee or Bluetooth (any other related to this),even though it's not pc dependent but we can achieve wireless using the above modules for certain extents.
(it make project little expensive)
"" due the above problems i decided to use the voice recognition which is completely wireless and also PC independent ""
Easy VR shield
Micro phone
Display LCD,Speaker
Some other electronic stuff
Software required:
Arduino software
. Easy VR software
. Easy VR software
VR shield is capable of storing 35 keywords,so it made our work simple& also convenient for our project
"zero to nine"...........................................10
"eleven to nineteen"....................................9
"ten , hundered".......................10
"sorry not recognised"................................1
"power off, power on"................................2
so if i want to calculate the result of 12005+546
i will utter "twelve" ,"thousand", "five ","plus" "five","hundred","forty","six"
how it will understand
...soon update........
why i have chosen VR shield for my project:-
VR shield not only serves to recognize the keyword but also used to be playback the voice through
8 ohms speaker which is attached to it ,when triggered.
so the answer can be uttered through the speaker from VR shield
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Further implementations:
Solar power
Adding the functions(trigonometry, matrices ……)