Saturday, 31 August 2013
two things to be taken in to consideration while purchasing the motors,they are
speed and torque
speed will be measured in RPM (rotation per minute),more is the rpm more will be the speed.
the amount of the force applied by the motors will be based on the torque of the motor

it means more the toque of the motors ,it will apply more force.
torque will increase by adding the gears to the motors
usually we will prefer dc motors ,stepper motors,brush less motors, servo motors.
1.servo motors are preferred to the arms movements of the robot
PWM signals are sent to the black yellow wire and vcc to red and gnd to black.
PWM signals can be generated from 555 ic.
normally servo rotates from 0 to 180 degree ,but by changing the internal gears we can make it rotate 360 degree
it provides high toque with less rpm.(which are preferred to arm movements)
2.DC motors:
dc geared motors are preferred by most of the hobbyist as they provide good torque with high speed (rpm) at low price
normally 300 to 500 rpm with torque (2-3 kg cm)is preferred for robots.